Oct 25, 2015

Home from the Italian journey

Looking at the picture above of a plate full with delicious Italian pasta, one would think it was all about the food.  Frankly, it sort of was and much more indeed. After a wonderful pilgrimage to Italy, our group has arrived home safe and sound.  The journey to this ancient and beautiful country is always one that you never forget.  The sights, sounds, beauty, and history of Italy remain forever a part of our history both Christian and very Catholic.  

Our pilgrimage, which included Mass each day, took us to Assisi, the 12th century town of St. Francis and St. Clare. A town which still bears the spirit of its holy namesake.  Next to Siena, the city of St. Catherine.  Then on to Florence, the Renaissance city of Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo, and so many other incredible genius minds of that unique period in the world of western art, architecture, astronomy, mathematics.  It truly leaves you breathless when you consider the accomplishments that stand before your eyes.  Where has this talent gone today? 

Then to the ancient and rich city of Rome.  One thing that is most striking is the traffic and congestion of this city of over 3 million.  Yet in the midst of it all lies Vatican City, the seat of government for the Catholic Church and the unforgettable St. Peter Basilica, built over the burial site of St. Peter and the meeting with the Pope in the weekly general audience in St. Peter's square, Between the Coliseum, the four major Basilicas of Rome, the ancient ruins of structures that have stood for 2,000 years, the delicious food (you cannot find a bad meal anywhere in Italy), the major traffic jams and crazy drivers of small cars and motor scooters, etc, etec.  

So many sights that you find yourself saturated with the overwhelming beauty of frescoes, carved marble which takes on life in such treasures as The David and The Pieta, leave your head spinning. However, that can all be digested quite well with a plate of delicious pasta and red wine.

As inspiring as it is to have the privelege to travel to such places, it truly is always good to come home.  Life goes on and one would be pretty mislead to think that it would stop simply because you're not there.  

Thanks be to God for creating such human genius and for creating such stunning beauty to bring glory to him and to all creation.

To the right is just a small sample of random pictures from the journey. Enjoy!  I may add more indeed.    

And more will come . . .    

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