Mar 23, 2018

The Drama of Holy Week

The Word for Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion:

Bishop Robert Barron on this Sunday:

Friends, the holiest week of the Church year begins for us this weekend with the celebration of Passion (Palm) Sunday.  There we move quickly through strong memories and emotions.  We begin with Jesus triumphal entry to Jerusalem in which the adoring crowds proclaimed him "Hosanna - the King."  While that may sound appropriate, and indeed it is, we can only imagine how the leaders of the Jewish people might interpret this as the final threat to their authority.  Not only does Jesus claim to be the Messiah, he also claims to be God and that comparison portrays Jesus as a great threat to the stability of the Jewish order but also a direct confrontation with their authoritative position.  The crowds amass around Jesus and the appearance of a revolution against the Romans and the Jewish leaders may be on the horizon.  Or so it is thought.  This is enough!  Something must be done to destroy this threat directly.

Our Sunday liturgy contains the reading of the Passion, this year from St. Mark the Evangelist, and our mood of joy changes to one of shock and sorrow.  Historically how much time elapsed between the singing of the crowds and Jesus' arrest seems very short.

The rest of our Week on Holy Thursday and Good Friday moves to the establishment of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper and that of the Priesthood.  Here, knowing that his time was short on the earth, Jesus gives us himself in the meal of remembrance, our Mass, and appoints his Apostles and successors with authority to lead the community in prayer and make his presence true among the people.

Good Friday, of course, is a day of mourning and sorrow.  Yet, as Christians far removed from the original event, we well know that sunrise and great rejoicing is just on the horizon as Jesus' horrible death is replaced by his glorious resurrection from the dead and his promise of forgiveness, mercy, love and eternal life to all who would follow his Way.  Through Jesus' death and resurrection humanity is reconciled with God and our celebration of the Holy Mass each time makes this event present to us.

What greater moment and gift could their possibly be?  So, let's enter this dramatic week with joy and anticipation.  Let's enter our many liturgies this week with participation.  If you've never been to Holy Week services, make this the year you will begin - with your families as well.  If you've never been to the great Easter Vigil service on Saturday evening, come this year.  There we hear the Old Testament stories of salvation, give birth to new members in Baptism and Confirmation, and rejoice in the resurrection of the Lord as we feast on his presence in the Eucharist.

Give thanks for our generous and merciful God!

Almighty ever-living God, 
who as an example of humility for the human race to follow
caused our Savior to take flesh and submit to the Cross,
graciously grant that we may heed his lesson of patient suffering
and so merit a short in his Resurrection.
Who lives and reigns with you 
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 
one God for ever and ever. 

(Collect of Mass)

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