Aug 30, 2018

To whom shall we go?

Many of you may have already seen Bishop Barron's outstanding advice in the video above.  Being who he is and what he proposes, we hear the voice of a prophet I believe calling to us at this crucial time.  Our prayer is always for the suffering ones, the victims of predators who have exploited their positions, power, and prestige in order to gain advantage over the innocent.  We must pray for a renewal as God will certainly bring about through this darkness.

One commentator stated: "This is the worst crisis the Church has faced since the Reformation" (16th century.)  That challenge split Christianity into the many factions, denominations we see today.  It set up the Catholic Church to a near monolithic institution but it also clearly defined many of the doctrines, sacraments as we know them today for example, and set the Church in a direction that by the time Vatican II came around through the Spirit's inspiration of St. Pope John XXIII in 1962 a new renewal took place.  What will our future be for the Church of today and what form will it take?  What must be done and in which direction must we go? We can wring our hands forever over this and say "woe is us," or we can now be part of a solution, guided by the Spirit's wisdom.  Such questions are bantered about everywhere along with a plethora of varied opinions.

In the end, right now, no one clearly knows what will surface over time.  So, as Bishop Barron wisely states in his video:  Stay and fight for the Church!  This is the Church founded by Jesus but entrusted to sinful humans and we always know that he will never abandon his Church.

If we are truly Christians, then the victims and our assistance for their healing and welcome must be the focus of what we do and say at this time.  It is where Jesus would go, where he is, and where we must join him.

God's peace to all.  Do not leave the Church - Lead the Church.

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