Nov 6, 2018

A Prayer for the Common Good

On this mid-term election day, let's remember that God always calls us to consider and to embrace the higher moral good of all.  As Jesus invites us to missionary discipleship, he calls us to seek the good of all we serve and not to be blinded by our prejudices, personal agendas, political opinions but to be wise to consider, in the end, what is best for all.  Humility, compromise, selflessness, and charity should always be what we pursue, even when it means that we may not get completely what we want - or think we deserve.

The prayer below should be offered not only for our Nation but also for our Church in this time of reform and healing for those who feel estranged, abused, forgotten.  The price to pay is too high and too risky to take the lower road. May the Holy Spirit and our service in the kingdom of God be a force of strength and guidance that all may seek unity above division, love above resentment, peace above violence, forgiveness in the midst of hatred, what is best for all above politics, and God ultimately above all things.

Prayer for the Common Good

 O God, you have given all people

one common origin and desire

to gather them into one family for yourself.

Fill our hearts with the fire of your love

and kindle in us a desire

to ensure the common good

for all our sisters and brothers.

By sharing with one another,

may we secure justice for all people,

an end to division and a society

built upon justice, love and peace.

Through Christ our Lord.


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