"Put out into deep waters"
The Word: Luke 5: 1-11
Our readings this Sunday present the miraculous in the call of Isaiah the prophet and the call of the disciples on the Sea. While Isaiah’s mystical experience in the Temple is personal to him alone God unexpectedly intervenes in this new prophet’s life and Isaiah willingly answers the call: “Here I am send me!” How unique among the prophets for Isaiah’s unusual willingness to embrace that tough and hostile vocation.
Luke tells us in the Gospel that Jesus was already
engaged in his teaching ministry along the shores of the Sea of Galilee. The crowds were enthralled by this young
rabbi who taught with a certain authority, charisma, and presence they had
never experienced before. Lets remember, he had no formal training, never
attended a rabbinical school such that they were at that time, never spent long
hours, as much as we can tell, studying the scriptures under the guidance of a
learned rabbi. He was a layman, a carpenter from Nazareth when he appeared.
All of which makes his teaching and knowledge even
more impressive and mysterious. “Where did he get all this,” was the
question asked by his own townsfolk in Nazareth. It seemed, he simply appeared on the scene
with such wisdom and knowledge. Yet, he likely learned from his own mother and Joseph
when beyond the age of 12 yet his knowledge and teaching went far beyond that.
The crowds were “pressing in” and “listening to the word of God” spoken by Jesus. Whether they simply wanted to hear better amid the crowd or were deeply impressed by Jesus’ teaching, as is indicated in many other places, our Lord recognized that he needed to do something before the crowd would overwhelm him.
Certainly, the fishermen, Simon (Peter), James and
John as well as others, must have heard something of what Jesus was saying but
they were engaged in their work and maybe didn’t pay much attention.
At one point, Jesus asks Simon as he boards his boat
without invitation to push out a short distance. Like the Lord who appears to Isaiah
unexpectedly, Jesus commands Simon to push out. With the natural effect of the
water and the surrounding hills, his voice would travel to the shore more
effectively. But there is much more.
So, Simon follows Jesus’ request. Soon our Lord tells Simon to “Put out into
deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” Go out farther beyond your comfort zone and
beyond what seems reasonable. Simon protests and says that they’ve been doing
so all night in a futile attempt to catch anything. The fish just aren’t there right now. After
all, what does this preacher from Nazareth know about fishing – still he does
what Jesus tells him to do. It is somewhat reminiscent of his first miracle at
Cana when Mary says: “Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2: 1-11). Isn't that key to discipleship?
So, Simon puts out and lowers the nets once more. To
his astonishment and that of his fishing companions, “they caught a great
number of fish and their nets were tearing . . . they filled both boats so that
the boats were in danger of sinking.” (Lk 5: 1-11). If you’ve seen the series of episodes from
“The Chosen,” you may remember how beautifully this crucial moment is
Symbolic of the future ministry of the Apostles and
the many who will come to believe in Christ through them, with awestruck
humility Simon addresses Jesus: “Go away from me Lord, for I am a sinful
man.” He may be speaking about all
in the boat who feel the same in the face of Jesus’ miraculous power. Before
God we stand in awe.
Simply at Jesus command, at his mere word, abundance
appears. Jesus uses this event to call
his disciples with the familiar turn of phrase: “Do not be afraid; from now
on you will be catching men”(all people). These now dubbed “fishers of men”
leave behind the familiar and with adventure they follow Jesus into the
unknown. Into the uncharted waters as it
were to engage themselves in this mission of Christ. Grace comes to us not because we deserve it
but because we are loved. Great things will happen if we partner with Christ
who works even through our feebleness.
To be a Christian a Catholic is not just a name or a
title or a Church I attend. It means something to continue the mission Jesus’
established in his Church. If we immerse ourselves in the promise of Jesus that
if we keep God the absolute center of my life and I use that relationship to
measure all things, then who knows what God will work through us. It is not
what we do on our own but what we allow Christ to do in and through us but it
demands that we “put out into deep water.”
A loving parent and faithful husband and wife live out
their vocation in holiness or a priest who commits himself to faithfully carry
out his ministry. It may be a faith that has grown and matured over the
years. It may be a wonderful family or a
satisfying and fulfilling ministry, yet not at all without challenges. We can never second guess what God will do
for those who trust in his word and put out in the uncharted waters.
We know that his sacramental presence in the Holy
Eucharist is miraculous and far more than we can imagine as he feeds us with
this bread of life, this food for the journey.
Take some time to reflect on the abundance in your
life. How and where has our Lord shown
you that he is present to you? Where do
you feel called to do more with him? Am I satisfied with what I have or am I
constantly seeking more, in competition with others, jealous of what they have
and what I feel I don’t have? Go
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, who called the first disciples
in the midst of what was familiar to them,
and asked them to risk something new.
Grant us the ears to hear, the eyes to see, and the courage,
to step forth when you get into our boat and ask no less of us.
Jesus, we trust in you.
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