Feb 6, 2021

2/7: 5th Sunday: "To heal the brokenhearted"


"He grasped her hand and he helped her up"

Mark 1: 29 - 39

The Word: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/020721.cfm

It is an interesting fact that Pope Pius XII who had the unfortunate fate of being elected during a dark time in world history, was convinced that Adolf Hitler was possessed by Satan or at the least was guided by a very evil spirit.

The level of destruction and violence that Hitler encouraged would indicate this strongly, as was true in the case of Stalin and other ruthless dictators during the Second World War

That being so Pope Pius attempted the rite of exorcism from Rome, facing Berlin, over Hitler.  Apparently he did so repeatedly but it seems to have not had an immediate effect. There may be specific reasons for this, according to professional exorcists, but one would wonder if the powers of darkness had not been unleased for a period of time.

There is a reason why the Church reminds us about sin by naming three sources of temptation: the world, the flesh and the devil.  We live in a flawed world, wounded through human weakness but there is still much reason for hope.

Christ has overcome this power of darkness and his death and resurrection is the key to that success and to our salvation. In Christ there is only light and life.  Our Gospel this Sunday and the scene in the synagogue at Capernaum from last Sunday, is one such example.

Here we find Jesus in the ministry of healing, exorcism and preaching which Mark indicates that our Lord was very busy about such things on a daily basis.

This Sunday, after leaving the synagogue, Jesus comes as healer as he compassionately reaches out to Peter’s mother-in-law who was likely a widow considering her living in Peter’s house. Jesus, “grasped her hand, and helped her up” as the fever left her.  Many heard of this and as the Sabbath day ended after sunset, the whole town was gathered at the door with the sick and desperate.  He cured many and drove out demons.

The Gospels many times emphasize Jesus’ confrontations with the forces of darkness.  It was historically a dark time.  With the force of ruthless Rome, which kept the “Pax Romana” through force and subjection, the extreme poverty that most lived in, and all around indications of disease and ineffective ways to heal, the power of Christ to bring hope and healing became a powerful force for optimism.

Our first reading from the Book of Job while poor Job laments his human condition as hopeless it sets up a kind of backdrop for what Jesus found in the social conditions of his time.

The Gospel passage further tells us that as Jesus went off to pray, Simon Peter and others pursue Jesus stating: “Everyone is looking for you.” While we imagine that the compassion of Jesus had no limits it still indicates as our Lord says that his mission was greater than one location or simply to work healings all day.  He continued to preach the good news and drive out other demons throughout Galilee.  Here Mark shows a kind of frenetic Jesus who wasted no time in the active fulfillment of his daily ministry.

The very nature of our faith is to be sent out on the mission Christ has given to his Church.  We see this in everything the Church does and Pope Francis has made it clear that we cannot be a Church closed in on itself.  What God has done for humanity is sending his Son must be known by the world and like Jesus in the Gospel today we move out and “go to the nearby villages.” In this time of pandemic “lockdowns” and such that mission may seem to have been halted for a time.  Yet, the purpose and hope of that mission remains unchanged. We are even more called to challenge ourselves and not become apathetic or feeling stuck in one place.

For most of us, for myself as priest, we do so beginning here at home.  “Going out” may mean my own family and extended family, our neighbors, those we know who have left the Church, those we work with, those in our classrooms and even something as simple as prayer before a meal in a restaurant.  We can evangelize in both silent witness and in our behavior and words.  It might mean developing a more active and focused prayer and sacramental life or renewing my commitment in my marriage or other vocation. 

How can I combat evil that I see?  How can I live a life of virtue that is an example to others of who I say I am?  Jesus ministry of a preacher and healer is the mission we are called to where we find ourselves.  I can forgive rather than seek pay back; I can love rather than hate; be honest rather than try to hide something.

May Jesus be our model as we all share as loyal sons and daughters in the life he has gained for us. It may be time now to return to Church worship again after the isolation caused by facemasks, distancing, and fear.  The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith, the place where we are fed for the mission by his word and in his sacrament. 

Peace to you

Keep your family safe, O Lord,

with unfailing care,

that, relying solely on the hope of heavenly grace,

they may be defended always by your protection.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, 

who lives and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 

one God for ever and ever. 

(Collect of Mass) 

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